Wear BLUE for Men’s Health

June 18, 2020
Blue looks good on you! Men’s Health Network (MHN) is calling on everyone to Wear BLUE on Wear BLUE Day, Friday, June 19, to raise awareness about the importance of male health. Studies show that men live sicker and die 5 years younger than women. Post photos of you, your staff, or your favorite pet wearing Blue on the hashtag #ShowUsYourBlue.  
Wear BLUE is a year-round program established by MHN to encourage men to make healthier lifestyle choices and schedule regular healthcare visits to achieve longer, healthier lives.
Wear BLUE Day is always the Friday before Father’s Day, June 19 in 2020, and is an opportunity for men – and those that love them – to make real improvements in overall health and fitness. Whether it is your husband, brother, father, son, or friend, wearing BLUE is a simple gesture to show you care, and it is a great way to spotlight men’s health issues.
For social media messaging and images, download the toolkit or visit the website to find messaging in both English and Spanish. To learn more about Wear BLUE Day or for more information please visit WearBlueForMen.com.
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