About MHN: Men's Health Network (MHN) is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray with health awareness and disease prevention messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation.
MHN is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of five members.
Conflict of Interest: No member of Men's Health Network Board of Directors derives any personal profit or gain as a result of his or her participation with Men's Health Network. Each person shall disclose to Men's Health Network any financial or other interest which he or she may have in any issue pending before Men's Health Network. That person shall abstain from participation in decisions regarding that issue. This policy applies to any director, principal officer, or member of a committee with governing board delegated powers.
Men's Health Network has a document retention policy and a whistleblower policy.
Audited Financials are prepared by an Independent Accountant. The most recent Form 990 can be found here. The most current auditor's report is found here. Current Board members are found here.
MHN has also been designated as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service code. Donations to MHN are tax deductible to the fullest extend of the law. MHN’s federal taxpayer identification number is 52-1855419.
Men's Health Network is a member of the Combined Federal Campaign: # 1 0 8 2 5
Note: MHN does not sell or share any donor's personal information with anyone else or any other organization or company, nor does MHN send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all forms of donations, including in-kind and online donations.
MHN is an equal employment opportunity employer.
Goals & Strategy
There is an ongoing, increasing and predominantly silent crisis in the health and well-being of men. Due to a lack of awareness, poor health education, and culturally induced behavior patterns in their work and personal lives, men's health and well-being are deteriorating steadily.
The men's health crisis is seen most dramatically in mortality figures. In 1920, the life expectancy of males and females was roughly the same. Since that time and, increasingly, in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, the life expectancy for men has dropped in comparison with that of women, with women outliving men by more that 5 years. Over the last thirty years, the ratio of male mortality over female mortality has increased in every age category. Life expectancy and mortality tables are found here and here. Men's Health Network (MHN) was created to address the growing men's health crisis.
The goals of MHN are as follows:
1. To save men's lives by reducing the premature mortality of men and boys.
2. To increase the physical and mental health of men so that they can live fuller and happier lives.
3. To significantly reduce the cycles of violence and addiction that afflict so many men.
4. Energize government involvement in men's health activities so that existing government health networks can be utilized to increase the health and well-being of men and boys.
5. Develop support for men's health among the general population and within the health care system.
The strategies employed by MHN include:
1. National educational campaigns to promote public and media awareness of men's health issues and to disseminate vital information on how to prevent disease, violence and addiction.
2. Comprehensive public and retail screening and awareness programs that serve to make men aware of their health care needs and the importance of tending to those needs.
3. Development a data collection system that allows MHN to act as a national clearinghouse for information about men's health issues.
4. Providing and maintaining an ongoing network of health care providers and services that deal with men's health issues, combined with providing a telephone and mail referral service enabling MHN effectively to guide men and boys to the physical and psychological help they need.
5. Working actively with health care providers and agencies to support better government programs on men's health issues and to spotlight the need for adequate funding of research and education on men's health needs.
Advisory Board
You are invited to apply for membership on the Men's Health Network (MHN) Board of Advisors. Membership on the Board of Advisors, now over 800 strong, is limited to health professionals and key thought leaders who have distinguished themselves in one of the focus areas of MHN. With a network of chapters, affiliates, and health partners, MHN has a presence in every state and over 30 foreign countries.
MHN is an educational campaign to significantly improve male health, longevity, and quality of life. This gives practitioners, clinicians, therapists, and other health care providers an excellent opportunity to highlight the services they provide for men, boys, and families (disease and awareness, work safety, therapy, dependency, suicide prevention, family counseling, etc.). MHN's structure is a "big tent" approach and anyone interested in the physical, emotional and mental health problems faced by men is encouraged to participate, either on the Board of Advisors, as a member of MHN, or as a volunteer.
You can read an overview of MHN's goals, programs, and coalitions by clicking here. Through these efforts, we hope to focus media attention on problems which plague men and the unfortunate effects those problems have on their loved ones, their employers, and our health care infrastructure.
To apply for the Board of Advisors, please click here to submit an online application.
If your application is accepted, you will join a distinguished group of professionals who are dedicated to raising the public's awareness of men's health needs. That group includes:
- Dr. Harry P. Howitt, Lt. Colonel, USAF, Ret. and Past President, Air Force Society of Clinical Psychologists;
- Kenneth Goldberg, MD, Male Health Clinic (Dallas);
- David Parrack, DO, FACOS, Midwestern University, Glendale, Head of Surgery, Founder, Arizona Impotency Institute;
- Anne McMurray, RN, BA, PhD, Faculty of Nursing & Health, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia;
- Dr. Paul J. Turek, MD, Director, The Turek Clinic, Los Angeles/San Francisco;
- Lucile L. Adams-Campbell, PhD, Professor of Oncology and Associate Director of Minority Health and Health Disparities Research, Georgetown University Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center;
- Dr. Barry Cooney, Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Health, New Mexico;
- Dr. Tran Ngoc Sinh, MD, PhD, Ministry of Health, Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam;
- Flora Ukoli, MBBS, MPH, Associate Professor of Surgery, Meharry Medical College;
- S. J. Giorgianni, PharmD, Past-Chair, Men’s Health Caucus, American Public Health Association;
- Richard Kennedy, MD, Senior Medical Officer, The World Bank;
- Jerry Lester, PhD, Associate Dean for Research, University of Texas Medical School;
- Dr. Dhafir Arif abdul Razak, MD, Prime Medical Center Al Qasimia, Sharjah, UAE;}
- Dr. Rany Shamloul, MD, PhD, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa Canada;
- Others include specialists in such areas as family violence and depression
This section is dedicated to Dr. Alvin Baraff, a founding member of the MHN Board of Advisors, who passed away after a short illness in October 2004 of pancreatic cancer. Al, a clinical psychologist, will be remembered as the founder in the 1970s of MenCenter in Washington, DC and the author of Men Talk, a ground breaking 1991 book about the importance of men's emotions. He was a nationally known speaker, a presenter at the National Conference on Men's Health, and appeared on numerous talk shows speaking about men's health, relationships, and domestic violence. At the time of his death, he was very excited to be working on his next book. The movement to improve men's health and wellbeing will miss his energy, his dedication, and his understanding.
Men's Health Network has a broad network of health partners, chapters, and affiliates across the country. We are committed to developing chapters across the US and around the globe.
Current Chapters>
We have also established an affiliate network of organizations with similar goals.
Go to the Affiliates section for more information about affiliating with MHN>
For information about starting a chapter in your area please contact MHN:
202-543-6461, extension 101 or via email: info@menshealthnetwork.org
Community and fraternal organizations, corporations, clinics, hospitals and other medical facilities may wish to become Men's Health Network affiliates.
By affiliating with MHN, an organization will join the growing effort to address the health needs of men and their families. MHN's public awareness campaigns, prevention and education activities, screening programs, and advocacy have a positive effect on the lives of millions of men and their families. Specific work with underserved populations brings health awareness and education to those in dire need of health assistance.
- National and local media exposure
- Free health event planning strategies
- Partnership in Men's Health Month and National Men's Health Week
- Partnership in prostate awareness activities in September for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
- Participation in national health awareness campaigns
- MHN policy updates and status of work with Congress, state legislatures and other policy makers
- Use of MHN's logo at affiliate events (with MHN's approval) and link to MHN's website
- Resources or published works in MHN's library
- State symposium partnership opportunities
To become an MHN Affiliate. Fill out this online application or for information about affiliating with MHN, please call: 202-543-6461, extension 101 or email: info@menshealthnetwork.org
If you prefer, you may download and complete this application (PDF) and submit it to MHN.
Complete the application and send it to:
Men's Health Network
P.O. Box 75972
Washington, D.C. 20013
* All organizations must be approved as MHN affiliates in order to have their work, logo, website, etc. published within MHN's network.
Key Staff and Board of Directors
about our key staff
Mike Leventhal - Men's Health Network-Tennessee, Executive Director
Since 2003, Mike has been serving as Executive Director for the Tennessee affiliate of Men's Health Network (MHN). Mike is responsible for MHN operations within Tennessee and consults with key staff on program coordination throughout the Southeastern United States, with an acute focus on outreach to policy makers, media, and private/public foundations. Additionally, Mike represents MHN in other state activities through a variety of unique capacities.
Mike is the founder of Save the Doodads.org, an MHN signature campaign that is designed to use humor while raising testicular cancer awareness and the importance of the testicular self-examination to the millennial generation.
Mike attended George Washington University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Mike is active in a number of professional associations, including:
Rural Health Association of Tennessee, Board of Directors
Alliance of Young Nonprofit Professionals, Chairman
Men's Health Caucus, American Public Health Association
Tennessee Public Health Association
Scientific Advisory Board, Vanderbilt University's Men's Health Report Card
All Board members are independent voting members.
Joseph DePasqualin
Ronald Henry, JD
Mark Perry, Ph.D
Jerome Tokars, MD
Warren Farrell, Ph.D
Men's Health Network issues a number of special reports on men's health issues and screening activities. Some of these reports are large and may take a long time to download. If you have difficulty downloading a report, please send a message to the MHN contact at the bottom of this page. For permission to use any part of a report, please contact the MHN representative at the bottom of this page. If you use any information from one of these reports, please credit Men's Health Network and the web site.
You may access individual reports by choosing a link below.
About Men's Health Network:
Men's Health Network presentation
Screening and Outreach Activities:
MHN Screening and Outreach Summary
Men at Work Screening Program
Public Policy and Health Reports:
Men's Health Facts: Flyer
Health Insurance Coverage by Sex
Aging in America - Flyer
Life Expectancy by Sex and Race: Birth to Age 70
Life Expectancy by Sex and Race: Birth to 100: Chart
Life Expectancy by Sex and Race, History: 1920-current
Life Expectancy by Sex and Race, History: 1920-current (alternate format)
Age Adjusted Death Rates and Infant Mortality
Silent Health Crisis: chart
Top 10 Causes of Death 1998: chart
Men's Health Library (searchable):
Men's Health Library
about our speakers
Below is a partial list of speakers available from the Men's Health Network. This list includes experts in a variety of health and family related fields.
In addition to the speakers listed below, there are over 800 physicians, mental health experts, and other key thought leaders among the MHN Board of Advisors, many of whom are available to speak on men's health or parenting issues. Among those are James Sniechowski, PhD & Judith Sherven, PhD, experts on relationships.
For more information about a MHN Speaker, contact:
Men’s Health Network
P.O. Box 75972 Washington, DC 20013
202-543-MHN-1 (6461) x 101
You may access individual reports by choosing a link below.
Salvatore J. Giorgianni, Pharm. D. - Fort Myers, Florida
APHA Men's Health Caucus, Chair
Griffon Consulting Group, Inc - President n Consulting Group, Inc - President
Belmont University, School of Pharmacy - Former Assistant Professor and Director of Experiential Education and Development
Pfizer - Former Director of External Relations
Pfizer Journal - Former Editor in Chief
Clinical Pharmacology at Columbia University - Formerly Assistant Professor and Associate Clinical Professor
Pharmaceutical Sciences - Former Assistant Professor & Clinical Associate
Kappa Psi Scholarship Foundation - Board Member and Former President
Topics: Men's Health, Health Care, Drug Regulatory and Research Policy, Pharmaceutical Industry, Image and Relationship Management in Health Care Industry
Dr. Giorgianni is an expert in men's health and is a registered pharmacist. He is a recognized expert in drug regulatory and US pharmaceutical policy as well as in organizational reputation management and strategic alliance development. He has authored, co-authored or presented some 200 works in health care, industry regulation and business. He is an advisor and board member to several health advocacy associations including: The Men's Health Network; American Osteopathic Medical Foundation; Kappa Psi Scholarship Foundation; Nurse Practitioner Health Care Foundation and the National Association for Continence. Prior to joining Belmont in September 2007, Dr. Giorgianni had a 26 year career with Pfizer Inc, where he held positions in the medical, regulatory, training, public policy, business planning, sales and marketing groups. Most recently he served as Pfizer's Director, External Relations. He also directed several publications, including the Pfizer Careers In Health Care series and The Pfizer Journal: Perspectives in Health Care and Biomedical Research.

James Sniechowski, PhD and Judith Sherven, PhD Las Vegas, Nevada
Relationship counseling - Clinical psychologist
Men's Health Network - Board of Advisors
Specialty: Human Behavior, Psychotherapy
Topics: Relationships, Human Behavior, Intimacy
Two of the country's most respected and pioneering authorities, Judith & Jim are revolutionizing the understanding of differences in relationships. Judith, a clinical psychologist, has worked with thousands of men and women in her twenty-two years of private practice. Jim holds a doctorate in Human Behavior and is the founder of The Menswork Center and a co-founder of the Men's Health Network in Washington, D.C. Judith & Jim have worked with close to 100,000 singles and couples in their relationship trainings, workshops, seminars, and lectures, as well as corporate consultation, nationally and overseas. Their weekly magazine reaches over 30,000 people in almost 100 countries. Comfortable in all areas of the media, Judith & Jim have appeared on over 600 television and talk-radio shows including Oprah, The O'Reilly Factor, The View, New Attitudes, CNN, 48 Hours, MSNBC News with Brian Williams, Mars & Venus, Leeza, Canada AM, and This Evening with Judith Regan. They have written for or been interviewed by the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, London Sunday Times, Wall Street Journal, Redbook, Essence, Glamour, First For Women, Black Elegance, Playboy, Modern Bride, Parents' Magazine, Black Men, Belle, and Family Circle. They write regular columns for Today's Black Woman and The Looking Glass.