Men’s Health Network Supports President Trump’s Right To Try Initiative

In the State of the Union message last night, President Trump said:
“We also believe that patients with terminal conditions and terminal illness should have access to experimental treatment immediately that could potentially save their lives. 
People who are terminally ill should not have to go from country to country to seek a cure. I want to give them a chance right here at home. It’s time for Congress to give these wonderful, incredible Americans the right to try.”
Men’s Health Network supports the message from the President that encourages the Right To Try for terminally ill patients who have no options left; the Right To Try developmental drugs that have not yet made the lengthy and cumbersome journey through the established approval process, but have shown promise that might save their lives.
Patients have a right to life, and that includes a Right To Try any possible cure.
“The right to access should include protections for patients, health care providers and institutions while enhancing and supporting the scientific and regulatory process in such a way as to contribute to marketing approval for these important treatments,” said Sal G. Giorgianni, PharmD, Senior Science Advisor to Men’s Health Network.
Men’s Health Network (MHN) is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray with health awareness messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation. Learn more about MHN at and follow them on Twitter @MensHlthNetwork or Facebook at
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