April Is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

Written by JVF Solutions

April 1, 2019

Men’s Health Network, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Testicular Cancer Foundation, Men’s Health Initiative, and American Oncology Association

Join Forces in the Call for Greater Awareness


WASHINGTON — Men’s Health Network (MHN) is partnering with a coalition of health organizations focused on raising awareness during Testicular Cancer Awareness Month this April. Together, the organizations are calling on greater awareness among men, healthcare providers, and communities about this rare form of cancer.


Although testicular cancer accounts for about 1 percent of all male cancers, it is the most common form of cancer among men between 15 and 35 years old. It has one of the highest survival rates, if found early. That’s what makes prevention techniques and overall awareness critically important. This year alone, in the U.S., more than 9,000 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. An estimated 400 deaths will occur this year due to the disease.


This year, the group—which includes MHN, the Men’s Health Initiative, the Testicular Cancer Foundation, the Prevent Cancer Foundation, and the American Oncology Association, among others—will continue its call for awareness and also highlight the impact the disease has on the quality of life of patients, survivors, and their families.


“The good news is that testicular cancer, if caught early, has a 99 percent five-year survival rate,” said Ana Tomsic, Vice President of MHN. “Unfortunately, later stage diagnosis significantly decreases that percentage, which is why we need to educate boys at an early age to talk about the consequences of a late diagnosis. MHN encourages boys and men of this age group to regularly perform testicular self-exams, and if they feel a lump/bump, to tell someone and see a doctor immediately.”


“Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men ages 15 to 35, which means prevention needs to start early,” said Carolyn Aldigé, Founder and CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. “It’s important to help young men build healthy habits that will reduce their cancer risk—like eating a nutritious diet, getting regular exercise, never using tobacco and limiting alcohol intake. Regular physical exams with a doctor are also critical because they can help monitor for any changes that could be signs of cancer.”



“One of the most powerful things a male can do for himself is to become aware of the issues that may threaten his health over his lifetime,” said Michael J. Rovito, PhD, founder and chairman of the Men’s Health Imitative. “It is critically important for all males, and specifically those most at risk for developing TCa (males aged 15-45), to learn how to detect the disease early through self-exams.”





“It is great to join forces with the Men’s Health Network for Testicular Cancer Awareness Month,” said Connor O’Leary, Chief Mission Officer of the Testicular Cancer Foundation. “Testicular Cancer is bigger than any one organization, and partnering with like-minded organizations in the testicular cancer is how we will affect change in the TC community. We couldn’t be more pleased to a part of this initiative.”

The TesticularCancerAwarenessMonth.com website helps educate people about risk factors, warning signs, and treatment options for the disease. The site offers videos, a social media toolkit, downloadable brochures, research articles, and examples of awareness activities to turn a difficult-to-discuss problem into an interactive and easier-to-approach learning experience.


During the month, MHN and its coalition partners will be offering interviews from patients and health experts. MHN will also hold a #BallChat Twitter Chat the week on April 24 to further promote testicular cancer awareness to a wider audience.


About Men’s Health Network


Men’s Health Network (MHN) is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray with health awareness messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation. Learn more about MHN atmenshealthnetwork.org and follow them on Twitter @MensHlthNetwork and Facebook at facebook.com/menshealthnetwork.


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