June Is Recognized As Men’s Health Month

Written by JVF Solutions

June 1, 2018

Awareness Period Puts Focus on Health of Men and Boys

WASHINGTON – Today, June 1 kicks off the 2018 Men’s Health Month, an annual awareness period solely dedicated to education and activities on the health and wellness of men and boys. Communities around the nation are recognizing Men’s Health Month and Men’s Health Week, a special awareness period recognized by Congress.


This year, Men’s Health Week will be celebrated June 11-17 ending on Father’s Day. The week is celebrated as International Men’s Health Week around the globe. During this time, health care professionals, private corporations, faith-based and community organizations, and government agencies plan activities that focus on the health and well-being of boys, men, and their families. Men’s Health Month is built on the pillars of Awareness–Prevention–Education–Family.


 “Awareness periods like Men’s Health Month are crucial in helping to educate the public on health issues and health disparities impacting men,” said Ana Fadich, VP of Men’s Health Network. “Men continue to suffer from chronic illness and lower insurance rates than women. Men are also less likely to seek out mental health services than women. Support for Men’s Health Month from policymakers, state and federal legislators, the media, and our private and non-profit partners can help fight these systemic issues and save lives.”


 “Health and safety are important in any workplace, particularly for men working physically demanding jobs. They are more prone to workplace injuries and it’s important for them to be aware of their health and engage their medical providers,” said Todd Washam, Director of Industry and External Relations Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). “Men’s Health Month is a great awareness and education period to encourage men to make their health a priority.”


 “Just like your car is triggered to remind you when it’s time to change your oil or get serviced, the month of June should serve as a mental trigger for men to get their body checked,” said Jamin Brahmbhatt , MD, a urologist and advisor to MHN. “June is the perfect time for men to stop thinking and start getting screened for medical conditions that can be easily prevented and caught early. When it comes to your prostate health and overall wellness it’s better to get checked now than wait until it’s too late.”


This has been a pivotal year for men’s health. In May, a federal health task finalized new recommendations impacting prostate cancer screenings for men and MHN



partnered with advocacy organizations to debrief legislative staff on the new recommendations offer comments. MHN held a briefing on opioid addiction and men’s employment; as well as another briefing on how the crisis continues to impact men’s mad boys’ mental health and wellness.


“Awareness and early intervention are both key in preventing most chronic diseases impacting men, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and many types of cancer. Annual activities that promote awareness like Men’s Health Month are crucial in initiating conversations and leading men to be more engaged in their health,” said Jean Bonhomme, MD, Founder of the National Black Men’s Health Network. “Making men healthier can only lead to improved health for families and communities.”


Over 300 mayors and governors across the country recognize June as Men’s Health Month with official proclamations. The proclamations are displayed in Congress and reports on the status of the health and well-being of boys and men in each state are available at the State of Men’s Health web site.  Free resources are available in both English and Spanish at MensHealthMonth.com


A key part of the continued momentum is the annual event and social media campaign, including:


·         SaludTues & Men’s Health Network Twitter Chat: “Improving Men’s Health in Communities of Color” with the federal Office of Minority Health and other partners 1:00 p.m. EDT on June 5


·         International Men’s Health Week Chat with Men’s Health Network is scheduled for June 7


·         Congress joins the celebration with a Congressional Workout, planned for June 14.


·         Men’s Health Month Twitter Chat is scheduled for June 27 at 2 PM EST


·         #ShowUsYourBlue campaign: People all over the world take pictures of themselves and others wearing blue to increase awareness for men’s health.


·         The #ShowUsYourBlue social media storm is on Wear Blue Friday, June 15, the Friday of Men’s Health Week


Men’s Health Month and Men’s Health Week are sponsored by Men’s Health Network (MHN), which maintains a list of experts and spokespersons on all areas of male health and wellness, including fatherhood issues. Men’s Health Month supporters include Sanofi-Regeneron, Allergan Foundation, and Pfizer, Inc.# # #


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