Wear Blue Friday

Written by JVF Solutions

June 14, 2019

Wear BLUE Day is celebrated every year on the Friday of Men’s Health Week! For 2019, Wear Blue Day is Friday, June 14. Friday of Men’s Health Week has been officially named Wear BLUE Day.

Wear BLUE Day is celebrated by private corporations, government agencies, sports teams, and individuals to show their concern for the health and wellbeing of boys and men. wear_blue_capOrganizations and individuals can host a Wear BLUE day to raise awareness and money for education about men’s need to seek regular checkups, or testicular cancer education, prostate cancer education, or other health issues that affect men. (Cardiovascular disease, skin cancer, lung cancer, diabetes, gout, and more.)

To particiapte, take a photo of yourself, friends, or co-workers wearing blue on June 14 and post to social media using the #ShowUsYourBlue hashtag. Men’s Health Network will be busy reposting and interacting with the hashtag throughout the day.

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