Premature Ejaculation
If you’re gonna understand premature ejaculation, you’ll need to learn how your penis works before you read anything else.

How does an erection work?
The landscape of prostate cancer treatment has evolved significantly, offering various options tailored to individual needs. Here are some common treatments:

The brain is an important organ involved in liftoff. If you’re head’s not in it (and I mean the one on top of your shoulders), this could put out your fire quicker than you’d like. The key players are neurochemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, norepinephrine, and nitric oxide.

Your penis is made up of a vast network of spongy tissue so that blood can fill and engorge the penis and drain when done. Getting optimal boners means keeping your pipes squeaky clean; good blood flow means having good cardiovascular health. The gym doesn’t sound so bad after all, huh?

Your pelvic muscles are key players in sexual function. Strong and powerful contractions of the pelvic muscles aide in better, more satisfying orgasms as well as help expel semen during ejaculation. But it’s not just the contraction that matters. The letting go is just as important as squeezing. A muscle needs to relax in order to have enough oomph to power up and it’s this synchronous coordination of letting go and contracting that functions during ejaculation and enhances your orgasm.

There is a vital group of hormones that work together to give you optimal bedroom performance, testosterone being the most obvious of the bunch. Another that deserves a standing ovation, though, is oxytocin. Oxytocin increases dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for stimulating the reward and pleasure centers of the brain, including sexual activity. It’s also been shown to activate nitric oxide, which helps increase blood flow to erectile tissue.
It’s worth noting here that stress hormones, although super helpful when you’re in danger, are a buzzkill in the bedroom. Adrenaline and norepinephrine mop up nitric oxide, which decreases the blood flow to the penis. And sneaky cortisol likes to steal an essential precursor to testosterone, which means less sex hormone to go around.
How amazing is the human body that it can synchronize all these systems at once? And in perfect time, so that you can perform the way you want to in the bedroom.
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