Media Mentions

MHN in the Press
Men in Pain: Creating open dialogues and pathways to better outcomes
Even in the midst of the global COVID-19 outbreak, the more ordinary medical needs of the public continue just as they always have. An aspect of that was addressed during the Men in Pain: Creating Open Dialogues & Pathways to Better Outcomes online broadcast Sept. 29
The virtual meeting, supported by The Men’s Health Network and the Men’s Health Caucus of the American Public Health Association, provided panelists to assist viewers in understanding the unique challenges and needs of men who experience chronic pain and how treatment innovations and open conversations on the topic can improve outcomes for men of all ages.
The subject of male chronic pain management may hit close to home for many. The July 2019 population estimate for Dallas County was 2,635,516, per the U.S. Census Bureau. Of that number, 49.3% were men.
Read more in the Dallas Examiner
September 2020
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month; African Americans at highest risk
Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men and will strike approximately 192,000 men this year—and kill more than 33,000—making it second only to lung cancer as the deadliest cancer in men.
African American men are at especially high risk. Compared to other men, they’re 1.7 times more likely to develop prostate cancer, and more than twice as likely to die from the disease. Caught early, prostate cancer can be treated, usually successfully. Early detection is especially important for African American men, who are more likely to be diagnosed when their cancer is at an advanced stage.
The good news is that the earlier the disease is caught, the better the odds of successful treatment—regardless of race. In other words, all men, regardless of race or ethnicity, whose cancer is caught at the same stage will have identical outcomes.
Read more in the Amsterdam News
September 2020
Septiembre es el Mes de Concientización sobre el Cáncer de Próstata
Los hombres hispanos deben consultar con un médico y hacerse el chequeo
El cáncer de próstata es la forma más común de cáncer en los hombres y afectará a unos 192.000 hombres durante este año – y le quitará la vida a más de 33.000 – por lo que es el segundo cáncer más mortal en los hombres, únicamente superado por el cáncer pulmonar.
Si es detectado temprano, el cáncer de próstata puede ser tratado, por lo general de manera exitosa. En sus etapas primarias, el cáncer de próstata no tiene síntomas. Sin embargo, no espere que “algo malo” suceda para Hacerse el Chequeo (
Esto es aún más cierto durante este año del COVID-19. No permita que la pandemia le impida realizarse una prueba fácil y rápida de despistaje. Hable con su médico para programar el suyo durante este mes.
June 2020
OP-ED: Tennessee Celebrates Men’s Health in June
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn (CLARKSVILLENOW) – The state of Tennessee, as well as the cities of Alcoa, Chattanooga, Kingsport, Lenoir City, Madison County, Memphis, Nashville, and Johnson City have issued proclamations celebrating men’s health and fatherhood in June, helping educate men, boys, and their families about disease prevention, timely screenings, healthy lifestyles, and positive family relationships.
Governor Bill Lee’s proclamation can be found here.
The importance of this effort is also highlighted by a statement from the White House each year and a Resolution in Congress.
Media Mentions for 2019:
December 2019
Black boys, Men in America are killing themselves and no one seems to care
African-American men and boys continue to have a higher death rate in nine of the 10 leading causes of death than is seen in women.
It is most unfortunate that the overall healthcare system is inherently non-male friendly, and, in some health care situations men tell us they do not feel welcome at all.
One consequence of this shocking and disturbing reality is the male suicide rate in America. Males are three to seven times more likely than females to commit suicide, which explains why suicide is the sixth leading cause of death for males.
Read More in the Puerto Rico Herald
November 2019
‘Fail-First’ is the wrong prescription for patients
As policymakers and health care stakeholders consider reforms to address the cost of medications, Men’s Health Network (MHN), the leading health advocacy and education non-profit for advancing the comprehensive health of boys and men in America, urges lawmakers and regulators to reject outright policies that will prevent or constrain patients from accessing effective medications necessary to treat their diseases and improperly insert themselves into the patient–health care provider relationship.
One approach that should be avoided is known as Step Therapy. This process is more accurately termed Fail-First therapy. (more)
Read More in the American Thinker
October 18, 2019
Government Price Arbitration Is Dicey Policy
We are all concerned about the cost of medications. As the leading health advocacy and education non-profit for advancing the comprehensive health of boys and men in America, Men’s Health Network (MHN) focuses on policy issues and strategies to help enhance the health of boys and men. Medications are one of the most cost-effective ways to manage illness; that is why over 70 percent of medical visits result in a prescription. Physicians and other health care providers see great value in our prescription medications supply, and men and their families must have access to highly effective and advanced medications; therefore, ensuring reasonable costs for these technologies is of paramount importance.
September 2019
Prescription Drug Concessions and Rebates: Keeping The Focus On The Patient
Virtually anyone in America who takes a prescription medication has that medication processed and paid for through a for-profit business called a Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) company. These companies provide a very valuable service in the transaction between your local pharmacy and the health insurers or other payers like state or federal health programs.
I am just old enough as a practicing pharmacist to remember a time before these transaction PBMs were around, and billing for prescriptions was a nightmare for everyone concerned. What existed before was a “non-system,” and because of it, many people who needed medications did not get them regularly. PBMs started up in earnest around the late 1970s and have grown to be an integral part of ensuring our access to medications, and that is for the good. But abuses have crept into this system that endanger patients.
June 2019
TOP STORY: Wear Blue Day raises awareness about Men’s Health
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – Friday is Wear Blue for Men’s Health Day, rounding out National Men’s Health Week. Wear Blue Day was created by a group called the Men’s Health Network, who says men live sicker and die younger.
According to the Men’s Health Network, on average, men live about five years less than women, men are more likely to be uninsured than women, men have a higher death rate for most leading causes of death.
September 2018
CMS Should Reconsider and Withdraw the Potentially Harmful Step Therapy Guidance
Recently, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a guidance allowing step therapy under Part B in Medicare Advantage Plans. Step therapy, appropriately labeled “Fail First,” is an approach that too many health-care providers and companies impose on patients in an attempt to save money on costs. Read More in The Hill
June 2018
What Men Need To Know To Stay Healthy
June is Men’s Health Month. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer has issued a proclamation as have mayors across the country. — iHeart Radio
April 2018
A lot of men don’t like to talk about their health issues because they feel societal pressure to act strong and tough it out — but there’s nothing tough about ignoring symptoms and letting your body suffer.
February 14, 2018
Do Right-to-Try Laws Offer Compassion or ‘False Hope’?
President Donald J. Trump raised the national profile of controversial “right-to-try” legislation by throwing his support behind it during his recent State of the Union Address.
Read More in MedScape
December 20, 2017
Why Men Don’t Care About The Healthcare Debate
February 8, 2017
Maternity Leave: Great Idea, But What About Daddy?
Dozens of studies show conclusively that paternity leave provides a number of unique benefits to children, women, businesses, and men themselves.
Read More in The Hill
December 20, 2016
Tips to avoid the holiday blues
The six weeks encompassing Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s are for most a magically unique time of year. But for many, the holidays bring hurt. Caused by factors including the weather, separation, death, stress, unrealistic expectations, hyper-sentimentality, guilt or overspending, holiday depression can zap the merriment out of even the most wonderful time of the year.
Read More in the Richmond Free Press
October 19, 2016
Let’s not forget the Office of Indian Men’s Health
As the Obama administration winds down its eight years of oversight and support of the health care needs of American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) from federally recognized tribes, a brief reflection on what has been accomplished and what might still be accomplished is worthwhile. Read more on The Hill
October 18, 2016
Nonprofit organizations apply for grant to reduce fatherlessness
Men’s Health Network, the Global Initiative for Boys and Men (A project of the Coalition for a White House Council for Boys and Men), and the Center for Divorce Education have applied for the grant to greatly expand two online parent education programs that increase fathers’ involvement.
September 29, 2016
Free Prostate Cancer Screening, Sept. 29
September marks Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and to honor this occasion, Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett, Tennessee Men’s Health Network (TMHN), and CAC’s Office on Aging are hosting a free prostate cancer screening on September 29.
August 1, 2016
PHYSICIAN FOCUS: Men, take care of yourselves!
So don’t forget that adage about your health. Take steps to reduce your risks. And remember, too, that it’s not just about you: your loved ones are counting on you to be there for them. For more information on men’s health, visit the Men’s Health Network at
July 23, 2016
Men’s Health Network survey finds men’s mental health issues not openly addressed in today’s society
“…79 per cent of men feel the issue of men’s mental health is not sufficiently addressed in today’s society..”
Inside Toronto
June 24, 2016
June focuses on men’s health
“The Men’s Health Network recommends men get a physical exam every three years from ages 20 to 39, every two years from 40 to 49 and annually after age 50. Men should receive a colonoscopy every three to four years after age 50, according to the network.”
St. Joseph News Press
June 23, 2016
Doctors Drive Across Country to Encourage Men to Go to the Doctor’s Office
“‘I think it’s awesome. We are supporters of anything people do around men’s health,’ Ana Fadich, vice president of the Men’s Health Network (MHN), told Healthline.”
June 22, 2016
Men’s Health Month: How Primary Care Providers Can Reduce Gender Health Disparities
“June 1 kicked off the 22nd annual Men’s Health Month. Organized by Men’s Health Network, a national nonprofit committed to raising health awareness and improving disease prevention among men and boys, Men’s Health Month is observed each year with health fairs, fundraisers, social media campaigns, and more.”
June 19, 2016
Knox high school student and his dad start business to support veterans’ charities
“For the month of June they are donating 15% of all online sales to the featured nonprofit, Tennessee Valley Coalition for the Homeless, and if shoppers add “Funding MHN” in the address line when they check out, Patriot Threads will donate a further 10% to the Men’s Health Network.”
Knoxville News Sentinel
June 18, 2016
Men’s Health Month is an opportunity to raise awareness
“Furthermore, men are 60 percent more likely to develop heart disease than women, and men are 44 percent more likely to get cancer. According to the Men’s Health Network, this is because men are less likely to adopt preventative health measures and are more likely to engage in risky behaviors.”
Idaho State Journal
June 17, 2016
Celebrate Father’s Day and Men’s Health Month in June
“‘According to the Men’s Health Network, men die of higher rates than women from heart disease, cancer, stroke, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), diabetes, kidney and liver disease,’ she said.”
The Mercury
June 17, 2016
Father’s Day: A good time to reflect on men’s health
“June is Men’s Health Month, a recognition that began after the formation of the Men’s Health Network, to raise awareness about men’s physical and mental health.”
Loveland Reporter-Herald
June 16, 2016
Wear blue Friday in support of Men’s Health Week
“According to the Men’s Health Network, men make about half as many preventative visits to the doctor as women, and men are more likely than women to be uninsured.”
June 15, 2016
‘Man up’ and go to the doctor
“The Men’s Health Network is encouraging men to take control of their health.”
The Courier
June 14, 2016
Practical Nutrition: A Father’s Day reminder for the men in your life: take care of your health
“When was the last time the man in your life had a physical? According to the Men’s Health Network, men make half as many visits to a doctor for health maintenance or prevention each year compared with women.”
Richmond Times-Dispatch
June 13, 2016
Man up for National Men’s Health Month: Make your health a priority
“As Dr. David Gremillion of the Men’s Health Network says, ‘There is a silent health crisis in America… it’s the fact that, on average, American men live sicker than American women.'”
June 5, 2016
It’s Men’s Health Month: Just What Does That Mean and Who’s Behind It?
“‘The goal of Men’s Health Month is to encourage men and boys to take care of their health and to heighten the public’s awareness of the many preventable health problems that affect them and their families.’ The Network stated in a press release.”
American News Report
June 4, 2016
HELP: Men their own worst enemy
“The Men’s Health Network cites data showing that men make half as many preventive care doctor’s visits as women.”
Herald-Zeitung Online
June 3, 2016
Celebrating Men’s Health Month in June
“Men’s Health Month and Men’s Health Week are sponsored by Men’s Health Network (MHN), which maintains a list of experts and spokespersons on all areas of male health and wellness, including fatherhood issues.”
Black Enterprise
June 2, 2016
June is Men’s Health Month
“‘These efforts reach men where they live, work, play, and pray,’ said Ana Fadich, Vice President of Men’s Health Network (MHN), in a news release. MHN organizes Men’s Health Month events nationwide and provides brochures and other resources.”
American Pharmacists Association
May 11, 2016
Author inspires men to take health issues seriously
“He is pleased with the response the book is getting and it has the support of the Canadian Cancer Society and the Men’s Health Network.”
CTV Calgary News
March 14, 2016
Calgary writer tackling men’s health through easy-to-read, comical book
“All proceeds are donated from the book will go to the Canadian Cancer Society and the Men’s Health Network.”
Metro News
March 9, 2016
Endo Throws Men a Curve With Campaign Around Peyronie’s Disease
“Endo Pharmaceuticals has joined with the non-profit Men’s Health Network and enlisted ESPN sportscaster and physician Jerry Punch for an unbranded “Ask About the Curve” campaign aimed at getting what they say are up to one in 10 men with the problem to ask doctors about it.”
Ad Age
October 27, 2015
Federal budget proposal sparks debate on site-neutral provider payments
“According to the White House Office of Management and Budget, savings proposed in the budget come ‘primarily from reforms to health programs, our tax code, and immigration.'”
State of Reform
Sept. 15, 2015
Men’s health summit
“The month of September is designated for Prostate Cancer Awareness, and The Tennessee Men’s Health Network, West Tennessee Healthcare and state Rep. Jimmy Eldridge hope area men will join the discussion when the Jackson Men’s Health Summit is held at the LIFT Wellness Center on Sept. 25.”
The Jackson Sun
Sept. 8, 2015
A Portfolio To Support Cancer Treatments In Time For Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
“In a recent press release, the Men’s Health Network explained, ‘Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in males with one in seven men diagnosed in their lifetime, and an even higher incident rate among certain populations including African American men.'”
Sept. 3, 2015
Men’s Health Network launches new website on prostate health
“A new website has been launched by Men’s Health Network to celebrate Prostate Health Month this September.”
Maine News
Sept. 3, 2015
Guys: Before You Watch Football, Get a Prostate Checkup
“Men’s Health Network recommends that all men talk to their doctors by age 50 about getting screened, and those at a higher risk (including African American men and men with a family history) have this discussion by age 40.”
Live Science
June 25, 2015
Ask Mr. Dad: Why men’s health is a woman’s issue
“Learn everything you can about men’s health – conditions, symptoms, risk factors, screenings and treatments – and pass that information on to your husband and sons. You can get all of that information from Men’s Health Network at”
The Herald
June 24, 2015
4 Tips For Health Professionals During Men’s Health Month
“Men should always be working to maintain healthy lifestyles with nutritious diets and regular exercise to ensure that their overall health is in check. However, Men’s Health Network noted that certain conditions are more prevalent in men, which patients and their doctors should keep an eye on through regular appointments.”
Sunrise Senior Living
June 21, 2015
Keeping men healthy
“A study by Men’s Health Network showed that 79 percent of men found it easier to take care of their cars than their health.”
Chicago Tribune
June 4, 2015
En el Mes de la Salud Masculina muchos hombres deberían hacerse un chequeo médico
“Según Ana Fadich, vicepresidenta de la organización Men’s Health Network, esta campaña busca informar a hombres para que se ocupen de su salud.”
El Vocero Hispano
May 14, 2015
22 Subtle Signs Your Boyfriend Is Unhealthy
“Midnight bathroom runs don’t just disrupt your beauty sleep — they could be a symptom of kidney, bladder, or penis infection; renal stones; a tumor; diabetes; or prostate disease, says David Gremillion, M.D., a men’s health expert affiliated with Men’s Health Network and professor at University of North Carolina School of Medicine.”
May 12, 2015
Prostate cancer treatment options: when less is more
“Your Prostate Your Decision was created in response to a national survey conducted by Kelton Research and supported by Men’s Health Network (MHN), Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN), ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer and Genomic Health.”
Nov. 18, 2014
Manning Up for Men’s Health Awareness
“ABC News’ Health Twitter chat on Tuesday focused on getting the word out on ways men can close the health gap.”
ABC News
Nov. 15, 2014
Health fair at Ford Field focuses on keeping men fit
“The event, hosted by the Michigan Institute of Urology Men’s Health Foundation, is supported by Men’s Health Network, a Washington, D.C.- based nonprofit promoting better awareness of men’s health issues.”
Detroit Free Press
November 13, 2014
Men to gather at Ford Field to talk about health
“The Men’s Health Event last year drew 6,000 to Ford Field downtown — one of the largest of a growing number of such gatherings in workplaces, churches, sports venues, community buildings and on college campuses. They’re supported by Men’s Health Network, a Washington-based nonprofit promoting a better awareness of men’s health issues.”
Detroit Free Press
Nov. 4, 2014
Rugby, the ‘sleeping giant’ sport, awakens in U.S.
“Because rugby is such a physically demanding sport, USA Rugby teamed with Astellas Pharm US and the Men’s Health Network to offer free health screenings near campus during their Oct. 27 practice to emphasize the importance of regular checkups.”
UIC News Center
October 24, 2014
USA v All Blacks is officially SOLD OUT!
“On match day, the #USAvAllBlacks Fan Fest will help kick off the festivities in Soldier Field’s Stadium Green. Fans can interact with rugby activities from AIG, Heathrow Express, World Rugby Shop, and Smith & Forge Hard Cider, while Astellas Pharma US, Inc., and Men’s Health Network will provide free health screenings.”
July 14, 2014
How to Get a Man to Go to the Doctor
“‘When we are raising our sons, we tell them that ‘big boys don’t cry’ or to ‘suck it up,’ says Ana N. Fadich, MPH, CHES, vice president of the Men’s Health Network.”
Yahoo! Beauty
June 13, 2014
Men’s Health Week: Prostate Cancer Demystified, From Trouble Urinating To Biopsies
“Each year, in the week leading up to Father’s Day, the Men’s Health Network celebrates Men’s Health Week. This year is the 20th anniversary, and what better way to spend it than by engaging in a frank discussion of the walnut-shaped gland surrounding a man’s urethra?”
Medical Daily
June 12, 2014
Men’s Health Month in June encourages screenings to prevent disease
“In an effort to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems, and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men, Men’s Health Network has designated June Men’s Health Month.”
June 12, 2014
5 Bogus Excuses Men Make for Not Taking Care of Themselves
“There are lots of reasons why men don’t take the initiative to delve into self-care.”
Everyday Health
June 10, 2014
Men’s health issues In Tennessee vary widely based on race, ethnicity and geographic region; 2014 Report Card shows progress
“New partnerships with the Men’s Health Network and other local and national groups are providing support services in communities across the state for Tennesseans trying to make personal lifestyle changes.”
Vanderbilt University
June 10, 2014
Men: Take control of your health – present and future
“Join us at HHS in supporting the Men’s Health Network’s Wear Blue campaign to raise awareness of men’s health issues.”
The Huffington Post
June 5, 2014
Tinder’s “Nurse Nicole” doesn’t want to flirt, she wants to save your life
“‘Men notice when their car doesn’t perform properly, but they don’t always listen when their body tells them it’s time to see a doctor,’ Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni, science advisor to Men’s Health Network said in a news release.”
CBS News
May 29, 2014
Men urged to take charge of their health
“There’s also the national Men’s Health Network, which has been urging men to take better care of themselves since the ’90s. Men need to “take more initiative in their health and understand that their health is not just their own, but it’s their family’s health,” said Ana Fadich, vice president of the network, a national nonprofit that promotes preventive medicine.”
The Courier-Journal
May 21, 2014
Alumni Association Names Distinguished Alumni
“Milstein currently serves on a dozen committees and advisory boards devoted to professional service, including the American College Health Association (ACHA) Sexual Health Education and Clinical Care Coalition Committee, the Board of Directors for the Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and the Men’s Health Network Advisory Board..”
SUNY Cortland
March 6, 2014
FDA Approves Endo’s Aveed Testosterone Replacement
“‘Men’s Health Network is pleased to see the FDA approval of a new treatment for hypogonadism as we believe men with this condition should have access to a broad range of treatment options…'”
Drug Discovery & Development
Feb. 26, 2014
Male Eating Disorders Highlighted by Men’s Health Group
Stone Heart Health
Men’s Health Network Supports USPSTF Recommendation on Screening for Lung Cancer, E-Cigarettes Should Be Considered
The Global Dispatch
FDA Approves Injectable Treaetment Xiaflex for Curved Penis Condition Peyronie’s Disease
CBS News / Michelle Castillo
Internet Drug Purchases Could Be Harmful To Your Health
EmaxHealth / Robin Wulffson, MD
Oct. 3, 2013
Millions Of People Expected To Use Health Insurance Marketplaces In 2014
Oct. 1, 2013
Champions for Coverage help Americans understand the Health Insurance Marketplace
Rushville Republican
Sept. 30, 2013
Looking For Insurance On The Exchanges If You Have Cancer
Daily Kos / Shari
Sept. 27, 2013
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
The Rancher / James Morning
Sept. 25, 2013
New Checklist Tool Launched to Help People Evaluate Plans on Health Insurance Marketplaces
Digital Journal
Sept. 16, 2013
7 Critical Health Realities Men Face Today
The Goodmen Project / Jed Diamond, Ph.D.
Sept. 12, 2013
4 Ways Hospitals Can Improve Marketing
Fierce Healthcare / Alicia Caramenico
Media Mentions of MHN or its Representatives:
Judy Seals-Togbo Interviewed at a Men’s Health Fair Held at Lift Wellness Center
Men’s Health Month Celebrations Featured in the News
Janet Matope, Director of Community Outreach, MHN rocks men’s health on SwaysUniverse
Standard Speaker: This June, Take the Time to Focus on Men’s Health and Awareness
Gloucester Times: Give Dad Gift of Health For Father’s Day: Schedule Doctor’s Visit
Men’s Health Week, culminating on Father’s Day, Focuses on Wellness & Prevention
Inland Valley News Features Men’s Health Network and Men’s Health Week
Houston Style Magazine Featured Gov. Perry’s Proclamation for Men’s Health Week in Texas
Daily Herald Shines the Spotlight on Men’s Health Network’s “Breathe Easy” Guide on COPD
Men’s Health Network’s “Breathe Easy” Guide Featured On Washington Post
‘Drive For Five’ Men’s Health Campaign With Terry Labonte
Moustaches and pancakes help raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer
Planned Parenthood is the place to go for men’s health issues