Gender Life Span Gap


It’s not news that women outlive men.

But the gender lifespan gap is now at its widest point in about 30 years. We all deserve to live long healthy and happy lives with our families doing the things we’re passionate about.
Age gap

Why is the Gap Widening?

While the pandemic took a disproportionate toll on males, men are living on average six years less than women. Far too many men and women die too young and are adversely affected by a number of biological-based health factors and societal expectations.

When we look at the gender lifespan gap, biological differences, occupational and lifestyle choices, access to care, and mental health issues or what some experts call “deaths of despair” have the largest impacts. Some of the top killers of men include:

men with a doctor

● Heart Disease – Men get heart disease about 10 years earlier than women. Learn More.

● Lung Cancer – Men are more likely to smoke and have jobs that come into close prolonged contact with chemicals like asbestos. Learn More.

● Prostate Cancer – Stigmas around screening and access to care are driving increases in deaths. Learn More.

● Injuries – Sometimes tied to stress, high-risk occupations, mental illness, or substance abuse, men are far more likely to have unintentional injuries.

● Chronic conditions – Chronic conditions like diabetes and COPD are both more common in men because, in part, due to diet and lifestyle choices.

● Suicide – Men are two to four times more likely to die by suicide spurred by a number of issues like mental health, substance use, lifestyle choices, and stress

Here’s what you can do to help CLOSE THE GAP

● Gain Six Years Guide – Sign up for our soon-to-be-released “Gain Six Years Guide”. Men are living six fewer years. This comprehensive resource provides effective, efficient, and actionable tips and information for men to not just add years but add good living to those years. SIGN UP NOW.

● Join the Network – Wiping out heart disease, cancer, diabetes, mental illnesses, and a whole host of other threats to men’s health takes an entire united network of men and families, as well as passionate advocates ready to make a difference. Through Support, Education, and Awareness, we can make a SEA change of difference. LEARN MORE.

● Sign up for our Newsletter: Stay informed and engaged by subscribing to our newsletter. You’ll receive the latest updates on men’s health topics, success stories, upcoming events, and important health tips. It’s a simple way to stay connected and knowledgeable about the issues that matter most to men’s health.

● Volunteer/Intern: Looking to make a direct impact? Volunteering or interning with MHN offers a hands-on opportunity to support our mission. Whether helping with event planning, conducting research, or engaging in community outreach, your skills and dedication can drive real change.

● Donate

The Gap Guide

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