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16janAll Day17FeaturedRepeating EventWear Blue DaySupport Men's Mental Health Awareness
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men's mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, "You Ok,
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men’s mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, “You Ok, Bro?” face-to-face and in social posts.Take selfies and post on your social media platforms with the hashtags #YouOKBro, #WearBlueDay and #MensMentalHealthAwareness.
Support “Wear Blue Day” – buy “Wear Blue” items from the Men’s Health Network Store!
january 16 (Thursday) - 17 (Friday)(GMT-05:00)
Men's Health Network
MHN Virtual WorldWide Event
20febAll Day21FeaturedRepeating EventWear Blue DaySupport Men's Mental Health Awareness
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men's mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, "You Ok,
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men’s mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, “You Ok, Bro?” face-to-face and in social posts.Take selfies and post on your social media platforms with the hashtags #YouOKBro, #WearBlueDay and #MensMentalHealthAwareness.
Support “Wear Blue Day” – buy “Wear Blue” items from the Men’s Health Network Store!
february 20 (Thursday) - 21 (Friday)(GMT-05:00)
Men's Health Network
MHN Virtual WorldWide Event
20marAll Day21FeaturedRepeating EventWear Blue DaySupport Men's Mental Health Awareness
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men's mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, "You Ok,
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men’s mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, “You Ok, Bro?” face-to-face and in social posts.Take selfies and post on your social media platforms with the hashtags #YouOKBro, #WearBlueDay and #MensMentalHealthAwareness.
Support “Wear Blue Day” – buy “Wear Blue” items from the Men’s Health Network Store!
march 20 (Thursday) - 21 (Friday)(GMT-04:00)
Men's Health Network
MHN Virtual WorldWide Event
06aprAll Day07Repeating EventWorld Health Day (April 7th)World Health Organization
Event Details
As WHO turns 75, let’s prescribe science, solutions and solidarity for our future health Turning history’s page on its deadliest conflict, countries came together in
Event Details
As WHO turns 75, let’s prescribe science, solutions and solidarity for our future health
Turning history’s page on its deadliest conflict, countries came together in 1948 to heal a bloodied world. Following years of war, distrust and pain, nations elevated the physical and mental well-being of people to a new level, forging a global pact and purpose to safeguard and advance health for all.
Lofty sentiment transformed into practical reality 75 years ago with the entry into force of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, and WHO’s founding as the specialized United Nations agency dedicated to promoting human health. WHO was given a unique mandate to advance the well-being of all people, and unique ability to convene all governments and partners at the same table.
Fast forward to today, as WHO celebrates its 75th anniversary year from World Health Day on 7 April, this mandate and convening ability remains as vital as ever. At the same time, the world needs a renewal of this commitment to put the health of all people first, from our grandparents to our children born today and in the future.
april 6 (Sunday) - 7 (Monday)(GMT-04:00)
Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series
april 7, 2026 12:00 amapril 7, 2027 12:00 amapril 7, 2028 12:00 amapril 7, 2029 12:00 amapril 7, 2030 12:00 am
17aprAll Day18FeaturedRepeating EventWear Blue DaySupport Men's Mental Health Awareness
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men's mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, "You Ok,
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men’s mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, “You Ok, Bro?” face-to-face and in social posts.Take selfies and post on your social media platforms with the hashtags #YouOKBro, #WearBlueDay and #MensMentalHealthAwareness.
Support “Wear Blue Day” – buy “Wear Blue” items from the Men’s Health Network Store!
april 17 (Thursday) - 18 (Friday)(GMT-04:00)
Men's Health Network
MHN Virtual WorldWide Event
15mayAll Day16FeaturedRepeating EventWear Blue DaySupport Men's Mental Health Awareness
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men's mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, "You Ok,
Event Details
On the 3rd Friday of every month, people are wearing blue for men’s mental health awareness! We want to stimulate the conversation, “You Ok, Bro?” face-to-face and in social posts.Take selfies and post on your social media platforms with the hashtags #YouOKBro, #WearBlueDay and #MensMentalHealthAwareness.
Support “Wear Blue Day” – buy “Wear Blue” items from the Men’s Health Network Store!
may 15 (Thursday) - 16 (Friday)(GMT-04:00)
Men's Health Network
MHN Virtual WorldWide Event
Event Details
National Senior Health & Fitness Day® is the nation’s largest annual older adult health and wellness event always held the last Wednesday in May. This year’s 30th anniversary event was
Event Details
National Senior Health & Fitness Day® is the nation’s largest annual older adult health and wellness event always held the last Wednesday in May. This year’s 30th anniversary event was held on Wednesday, May 31st with more than 100,000 seniors participating at local events across the country on the same day.
Organizations interested in hosting an annual National Senior Health & Fitness Day event must register every year in order to legally use the event name and logo, which are federal trademarks. Registration includes a license to legally use the event trademarks, access to the special event website with all of the materials and resources needed to plan and host a successful event, a free subscription to FitnessDay News, the official event e-newsletter, the option to purchase official promotion items, and more.
The 2023 event registration was $34.95 per location. A limited number of free event registrations are available. Registration for the 2024 event, set for Wednesday, May 29th, will open in January.
Types of events held every year include mini-health fairs, exercise demonstrations, health presentations, screenings and fitness walks. Click the links below to find out more about what happens during the event, or simply Google “National Senior Health & Fitness Day.”
Examples of local organizations that host Day events include retirement communities, park and recreation districts, Ys and health clubs, senior centers, Area Agencies on Aging, hospitals and health systems, health plans, health care providers, service organizations, houses of worship and many more.
may 27 (Tuesday) - 28 (Wednesday)(GMT-04:00)
Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series
may 27, 2026 12:00 ammay 26, 2027 12:00 ammay 31, 2028 12:00 ammay 30, 2029 12:00 am