Men and women have different needs and challenges when it comes to health education.

Men’s Health Network is the pioneer in providing a Certification in Men’s Health Education (CMHE). The 13-module course is intended for healthcare professionals and peer leaders who are interested in devoting their time and energy to bettering the lives of men.

On average men are living about six years less than women. While biology plays a role, the Gender Lifespan Gap is, in part, due to health seeking behaviors and lifestyle choices. With the help of a dedicated CMHE instructor working with men and boys at places like community health centers, schools, places of worship, and community gatherings, they can learn improved life skills and healthy behaviors.



The CMHE course focuses on what and why the Lifespan Gender Gap is widening and offers techniques on how to best engage and equip males with information and strategies to improve their health and prevent premature loss of life. Areas of focus include:

  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk
  • Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Treatment (prostate, lung, colorectal, testicular, and others)
  • Chronic Conditions that heavily impact men like COPD and Diabetes, etc.
  • Mental Health issues
  • Managing stress and finding life balance
  • Diet and exercise science, strategies, and trends
  • Fatherhood

Enroll now in the self-guided course offered by MHN through Thinkific. There will be quizzes and loads of resources at the end of each module to keep you on pace and feed your thirst for knowledge. Every participant will receive an official Certified Men’s Health Education Certificate from Men’s Health Network upon completion of the course.

men having fun

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