This is a repeating eventnovember, 2024
novRepeating EventGreat American SmokeoutAmerican Cancer Society
Event Details
Event Details
The Great American Smokeout materials featured here for use (the “Smokeout Materials”) are copyrighted by the American Cancer Society, Inc. Great American Smokeout is a trademark of the American Cancer Society, Inc. By downloading any of these materials, you agree that the American Cancer Society is the owner of the Smokeout Materials and that your use of the Smokeout Materials will only be in connection with the support of the Great American Smokeout event. The Smokeout materials may not be modified in any way. Your use of the Smokeout Materials may not be used to state or imply the American Cancer Society’s endorsement of any goods or services. The Smokeout Materials may not be used to support political parties or candidates or in connection with pornographic or otherwise offensive sexual materials, racially or ethnically prejudicial materials, or other materials which may damage the goodwill associated with the American Cancer Society.
Month Long Event (november)(GMT-05:00)
Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series
november, 2025november, 2026november, 2027november, 2028november, 2029november, 2030