
Espanol/Spanish Language Salud/Health
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(Una guia para lograr un estilo de vida saludable)
Blueprint For Men's Health: From Men's Health Network written by Armin Brott and health experts covers most health issues.
Keywords: brochure,Prevention,nutrition,safety,prostate,BPH,prostatitis,ED,ErectileDysfunction,heart,diabetes,cancer,emotionalhealth,dental,cardiovascular,brochures,Hispanic
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 8:12 PM.
Total Views: 7,377

(Suggested checkups / tests for men and women)
Brochure. Get It Checked! Suggested checkups / tests for men and women. Discuss these with your physician. Keywords: pelvic,exam,menopause,rectal,TB,tuberculosis,polyps
Keywords: exams,prostate,cancer,PCa,testicular,TCa,lung,colorectal,tetanus,urinalysis,blood,pressure,hypertension,hemoccult,testosterone,STDs,osteoporosis,mammogram,breast,estrogen,PAP
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 6:15 PM.
Total Views: 3,719

Brochure. Testicular Self Exam How to conduct a self-exam and information about testicular cancer. Keywords: TCa; reproductive organs; testosterone; testicles; scrotum; black; African American; Hispanic; Latino; young men; lump; enlarged; groin; scrotal skin; epididymis; annual visits
Keywords: TCa, reproductive organs, testosterone, testicles, scrotum, black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, young men, lump, enlarged, groin, scrotal skin, epididymis, annual visits
Last Viewed: July, 25, 2023 at 12:40 AM.
Total Views: 1,781

(What Women Need to Know About Men's Health - Spanish)
Brochure encourages women involvement in the health of Hispanic/Latino men & boys. Keywords: prevention; self-exams; prostate cancer; PCa, BPH; benign prostatic hyperplasia; prostatitis; bladder; smoking; erectile dysfunction; impotence; cardiovascular disease; testicular cancer; TCa; diabetes; skin cancer; low testosterone; colorectal cancer; depression; lung cancer; osteoporosis; breast cancer
Keywords: prevention,exams,prostatecancer,PCa,BPH,benignprostatichyperplasia,prostatitis,bladder,smoking,erectiledysfunction,impotence,cardiovasculardisease,testicular
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 6:18 PM.
Total Views: 4,157

(Get It Checked!)
MHN Brochure. Get It Checked! Calendario de Chequeos y Exámenes Preventivos, para Hombres y Mujeres, y por edad.
Keywords: examenes,prostata,Cancer,colorectal,tetano,urinalisis,presion,hemoculto,tetanos,testosterona,enfermedades,osteoporosis,mamografia,pecho,pelvico
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 11:27 PM.
Total Views: 2,757

(identificacion de areas para necesidades de salud mental)
Aspectos conductuales de la depresion y la ansiedad en el hombre estadounidense: identificacion de areas para necesidades, practicas e investigaciones futuras centradas en los pacientes y orientadas a resultados - Resumen del informe de la conferencia - Men's Health Network -
Keywords: depresion,spanish,ansiedad,ninos,hombres,Patient,CenteredOutcomesResearchInstitute,Pcori,MensHealthNetwork,Giorgianni,Fadich,Bonhomme,Brott,Gremillion,hispanic
Last Viewed: March, 20, 2023 at 5:08 AM.
Total Views: 4

(Spanish Language Prostate Cancer (PCa) brochure)
brochure - Los hombres con alto riesgo (quienes tienen antecedentes familiares de cancer de prostata o son de origen afroamericano) deben someterse a examenes anuales de deteccion de cancer de prostata a partir de los 40 anos, todos los demas, a partir de los 50 anos.
Keywords: prostate,cancer,PSA,Hispanic,DRE,ElCancer,DE,PRASTATA,Pfizer,Astellas
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 8:17 PM.
Total Views: 2,427

(Pautas Para Chequeos Y Examenes Preventivos)
Brochure. Get it Checked! Information on periodic check-ups. Consulte con su proveedor de atencion medica sobre las ventajas de las examenes preventativas. Palabras claves: Examenes, prostata, Cancer de la Prostata, colorectal, tetano, urinalisis, presion de sangre, hemoculto, tetanos, la testosterona, enfermedades transmitidas sexuales, osteoporosis, mamografia,el pecho, pelvico
Keywords: examenes,prostata,Cancer,colorectal,tetano,urinalisis,presion,hemoculto,tetanos,testosterona,enfermedades,osteoporosis,mamografia,pecho,pelvico
Last Viewed: February, 4, 2024 at 9:53 PM.
Total Views: 2,448

Grief and Loss: Tips for Military Families from the Mental Health Association
Last Viewed: January, 29, 2024 at 11:35 AM.
Total Views: 1,715

Helping Our Children Cope With the War from the Mental Health Association
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 5:25 PM.
Total Views: 1,751

Cancer information
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 11:07 AM.
Total Views: 2,040

Cholesterol information.
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 6:59 PM.
Total Views: 1,502

(Guia de la Salud)
Exercise and physical activity: Una de las mejores cosas que puedes hacer por su salud es mantenerte fisicamente activo. Una actividad fisica regular mejorar su salud, figura y su caracter.
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 6:18 PM.
Total Views: 1,615

High blood pressure
Last Viewed: February, 3, 2024 at 10:43 AM.
Total Views: 1,560

Overweight and obesity
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Total Views: 1,497

Safety issues
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 6:47 AM.
Total Views: 1,403

Stress related issues
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 1:37 PM.
Total Views: 2,850

Tobacco: health issues
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Total Views: 1,534
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