
Social Science Boys
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"The existence of a 'boy crisis' in the United States is a topic of public policy debate. This study examines the state of American boyhood, using not only the commonly reviewed indicators of school achievement but also mental health, premature death, injury, delinquency, and arrests."
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 6:50 PM.
Total Views: 3,711

(How Understanding Boys' Development & Learning Styles)
Strategies for Success; Jean Bonhomme MD MPH; Men's Health Network; schools; gender; fathers; mothers; girls; teachers; classroom; literacy; Hispanic; African-American; U.S. Department of Education; ADHD; learning disorders; suicide; high-risk behaviors; drugs; alcohol; bullying; academic achievement; socioeconomic; ethnic; testosterone; Broca's Area; Wernicke's Area; amygdale; aggression; blacks
Keywords: boys,fathers,mothers,teachers
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 11:28 AM.
Total Views: 2,442

New scientist. Ewen Callaway. Male Monkeys Prefer Boys' Toys. Keywords: play; son; daughter; males; females; men; women; stegosaurus fight a Disney movie; socialization; nature versus nurture; stereotypes; trucks; gendered toys; biological basis; play preferences; GI Joe; stay-at-home dads; Barbie; Ken
Keywords: play, son, daughter, males, females, men, women, stegosaurus fight a Disney movie, socialization, nature versus nurture, stereotypes, trucks, gendered toys, biological basis, play
Last Viewed: January, 29, 2024 at 7:55 PM.
Total Views: 1,491

Nancy Gibbs. Affirmative Action for Boys. Time Magazine. Keywords: girls; males; females; men; women; dizziness; incontinence; academically; college undergraduates; national average; colleges; students
Keywords: girls, males, females, men, women, dizziness, incontinence, academically, college undergraduates, national average, colleges, students
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Total Views: 1,689

(Brain Differences, Language, and Bad Directions )
Solid evidence regarding the different ways that girls and boys process language. Science Daily. Boys' And Girls' Brains Are Different: Gender Differences In Language Appear Biological. Google Maps; GPS; satellite mapping; male; female; men; women; husband; wife; directions; Mexican restaurant; margaritas; Oak Street; visual; auditory; navigators
Keywords: different,ways,girls,boys,process,language
Last Viewed: February, 2, 2024 at 9:13 AM.
Total Views: 1,722

A recent study to be published in the Journal of Adolescence reports that teenage boys are more motivated by love and a desire for relationships than by sex when it comes to dating. Tara Parker-Pope; Inside the Mind of the Boy Dating Your Daughter.; New York Times. Keywords: teenage; girls; males; females; men; women; sons; daughters; relationships romantic; stereotypes
Keywords: teenage, girls, males, females, men, women, sons, daughters, relationships romantic, stereotypes
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 7:01 PM.
Total Views: 1,578

boys; girls; men; women; males; females; video games; moms; girlfriends; widows; World of Warcraft; homework; studying habits; hobbies; socialize; virtual social interaction; book; recreational reading; sci-fi; Tolkien
Keywords: boys, girls, men, women, males, females, video games, moms, girlfriends, widows, World of Warcraft, homework, studying habits, hobbies, socialize, virtual social interaction,
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 11:34 PM.
Total Views: 1,557

(Grades vs. Knowledge)
Boys' learning style and what practices help or hinder them in their schooling; might girls also benefit from the same approach? Deseret Morning News. Alison Snyder. Smart boys, bad grades?. Keywords: males; females; gender bias; grading; risky behavior; video games; Pamela Anderson; nerds; grades; school; homework; class assignments; bad grades; failing; handicap
Keywords: males,females,gender,bias,grading,risky,behavior,video,games,Pamela,Anderson,nerds,grades,school,homework,class,assignments,bad,failing,handicap
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 4:20 PM.
Total Views: 1,708

Young boys are notoriously bad at remaining still and quiet for sustained periods of time. Keywords: girls; males; females; mimes; living sculpture; school; youngsters; finger-painting; 3-year-old son; dances biological niece; teachers; PE; physical education classes; restless; recess
Keywords: girls, males, females, mimes, living sculpture, school, youngsters, finger-painting, 3-year-old son, dances biological niece, teachers, PE, physical education classes, restless,
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 4:27 PM.
Total Views: 1,462

(Disciplined Motivation)
Education Week. Michelle R. Davis. Gender Gap in GPAs Seen as Linked to Self-Discipline. Keywords: boys; girls; males; females; grades; self-discipline; schoolwork; Journal of Educational Psychology; attendance; test scores; IQ; homework; Madden 2007; standardized test scores; higher; Jo Ann Rodkey; Woodward Avenue Elementary; Florida; single-sex classes; co-ed classes
Keywords: boys,girls,males,females,grades,discipline,schoolwork,Journal,Educational,Psychology,attendance,test,scores,IQ,homework,Madden,2007,standardized
Last Viewed: February, 2, 2024 at 7:56 PM.
Total Views: 1,580

(Biology, Not Destiny: Boys, Girls, and Speech - 2004)
Gender differences in language development. Keywords: males; females; literacy; brain; language; grammatical structures; frontal lobe; left hemisphere; Broca's area; verbal communications skills; toddlers; preschool; kindergarten; elementary school; reading; math; motor skills; foreign languages; remedial; writing; Shakespeare; Cicero; spatial relationships; mathematics; science; intelligence
Keywords: males,females,literacy,brain,language,grammatical,structures,frontal,lobe,left,hemisphere,Broca,area,verbal,communications,skills,toddlers,preschool,kindergarten
Last Viewed: January, 28, 2024 at 5:35 PM.
Total Views: 1,678

(Why Boys Don't Read - 2004)
It's not that boys are all's more an expression of frustration from parents and teachers who notice a lack of interest in reading in boys. Keywords: gender; girls; males; females; illiterate; reading proficiency tests; 12th-grade; college; national assessments; literacy; language skills; test scores; grades; Green Eggs and Ham; Narnia; Horatio Hornblower; graduate
Keywords: gender,girls,males,females,illiterate,reading,proficiency,tests,12th,grade,college,national,assessments,literacy,language,skills,test,scores,grades,Green,Eggs
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 3:08 PM.
Total Views: 1,745

Eric Shapiro, a high school student at the time this article was written, investigated the connection between media and self-image in adolescent boys as part of a research project for New Jersey's ROGATE program for gifted students. Keywords: Resources Offered for Gifted and Talented Education; National Talent Network; television; TV; Pauline Bergstein; Malia Boom; Arnold Rabinowitz
Keywords: Resources Offered for Gifted and Talented Education, National Talent Network, television, TV, Pauline Bergstein, Malia Boom, Arnold Rabinowitz
Last Viewed: February, 4, 2024 at 1:10 AM.
Total Views: 1,953

Flyer. Boys and Schools project. Keywords: high school sports; extracurricular activity; Advanced Placement exams; SAT; GPA; seniors; failure; boredom; males; females
Keywords: high school sports, extracurricular activity, Advanced Placement exams, SAT, GPA, seniors, failure, boredom, males, females
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 4:22 PM.
Total Views: 2,185

Flyer. Boys and Schools project. Keywords: drop out; repeat a grade; suspended; expelled; preschool; pre-school; high-school dropouts; college undergraduates; graduates; bachelor's degree; master's degree; PhD; boys; girls; men; women
Keywords: drop out, repeat a grade, suspended, expelled, preschool, pre-school, high-school dropouts, college undergraduates, graduates, bachelor's degree, master's degree, PhD, boys,
Last Viewed: January, 26, 2024 at 7:50 PM.
Total Views: 1,681

U.S. Department of Education. NCES 2007-024. Keywords: boys; girls; dropout rates, motivation, engagement, graduation, high school, income, completion rates, status dropouts, event dropouts, graduation rates
Keywords: boys, girls, dropout rates, motivation, engagement, graduation, high school, income, completion rates, status dropouts, event dropouts, graduation rates
Last Viewed: January, 28, 2024 at 6:31 PM.
Total Views: 1,865

U.S. Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Office of Justice Programs. NCJ 214262. Keywords: boys, girls, DOJ, BJS, school violence, violence, crime, gangs, injuries, deaths, discipline, drugs, bullying, racism, prejudice, hate, fights, weapons, alcohol, marijuana, fear, safety, safe schools, security
Keywords: boys, girls, DOJ, BJS, school violence, violence, crime, gangs, injuries, deaths, discipline, drugs, bullying, racism, prejudice, hate, fights, weapons, alcohol, marijuana, fear,
Last Viewed: February, 2, 2024 at 10:52 AM.
Total Views: 1,568

Flyer. Boys and Schools project. Keywords: boys; girls; men; women; males; females; schools; reading proficiency; writing proficiency; math; science; achievement; learning disabilities; high school dropouts; college; sports; undergraduates; graduation rates; ADHD; ADD; suicide; bullying; crime; alcohol; drugs; weapon
Keywords: boys, girls, men, women, males, females, schools, reading proficiency, writing proficiency, math, science, achievement, learning disabilities, high school dropouts, college,
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 8:16 AM.
Total Views: 2,403

Flyer. Boys and Schools project. Keywords: boys; girls; teachers; schools; high school students; fear; fight; threaten; crime; alcohol; drugs; weapon; depression; isolation; low self-esteem; illness
Keywords: boys, girls, teachers, schools, high school students, fear, fight, threaten, crime, alcohol, drugs, weapon, depression, isolation, low self-esteem, illness
Last Viewed: February, 4, 2024 at 6:56 PM.
Total Views: 1,585

Flyer. Keywords: boys; girls; men; women; males; females; puberty; adolescence; emotion; testosterone; physical aggression; competition; competitive; self-assertion; self-reliance; amygdale; frontal lobe; left hemisphere; Broca's area; abstract; spatial relationships; verbal communication; neurotransmitters; brain stem; womb; cortex; preschool; kindergarten; elementary; IQ; motor skills; language
Keywords: boys, girls, men, women, males, females, puberty, adolescence, emotion, testosterone, physical aggression, competition, competitive, self-assertion, self-reliance, amygdale,
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 7:01 PM.
Total Views: 2,321
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