
Health Aging
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(Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Annual Open Enrollment)
Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D is October 15, 2021 - December 7, 2021 for coverage beginning January 1, 2022. Certain people can also change plans at other times. Your current plan may or may not be the best plan for you in 2022. Use this time period to compare your plan choices and find the plan that best meets your needs at the lowest cost. Most plans will make changes for 2022.
Keywords: Medicare,Prescription,Drug,Open,Enrollment,Part,star,plans,Beneficiary,pocket,costs,Advantage,Period,Access,Patients,MapRx
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 2:49 PM.
Total Views: 863

Jean Bonhomme; Jehan El-Bayoumi; Rodham Institute; Barry Reisberg; Cholinesterase inhibitors; N-methyl-D-aspartate NMDA receptor antagonists; Vascular Dementia; Traumatic Brain Injury; TBI; Parkinson's Disease; Fronto-temporal lobar; Huntingdon's Disease; Creutzfeldt-Jakob; mad cow; Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome; HIPAA; Dementia with Lewy bodies; Graham McDougall; Robert Tan; David Gremillion
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 1:28 AM.
Total Views: 4,622

MHN flyer. Number of men and women entering retirement in each state. Keywords: retire; poverty; widows; ratio; males; females; Census Bureau; Administration on Aging; Medicare; elderly; cost to society; food stamps; America
Keywords: retire, poverty, widows, ratio, males, females, Census Bureau, Administration on Aging, Medicare, elderly, cost to society, food stamps, America
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 6:17 PM.
Total Views: 6,098

Flyer. Keywords: prevention; food; chronic disease; salt; sugar; antioxidants; free radicals; exercise; happy; children; smoking; heart disease; cancer; genes
Keywords: prevention, food, chronic disease, salt, sugar, antioxidants, free radicals, exercise, happy, children, smoking, heart disease, cancer, genes
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 6:18 PM.
Total Views: 2,717

flyer; Andropause; male menopause; men, aging, testosterone; hypogonadism; osteoporosis; dementia; frailty; falls; heart; circulation; memory; ED; erectile dysfunction; Medicare
Keywords: flyer, Andropause, male menopause, men, aging, testosterone, hypogonadism, osteoporosis, dementia, frailty, falls, heart, circulation, memory, ED, erectile dysfunction, Medicare
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 9:56 PM.
Total Views: 22,427

(Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Annual Open Enrollment)
2021 coverage. The Open Enrollment for Medicare Part D for coverage for January 1, 2021 was October 15-December 7, 2020. Certain people can also change plans at other times. Your current plan may or may not be the best plan for you in 2021. Use this time period to compare your plan choices and find the plan that best meets your needs at the lowest cost. All plans will make changes in 2021.
Keywords: Medicare,Prescription,Drug,Open,Enrollment,Part,star,plans,Beneficiary,pocket,costs,Advantage,Period,Access,Patients,MapRx
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 2:49 PM.
Total Views: 647

(2019 Open Enrollment Medicare prescription drug coverage)
For 2017 - see another Library entry for current information. Open Enrollment for Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D) for coverage beginning Jan 1, 2019. In 2019, the Part D coverage gap (donut hole) will effectively close. With these changes, your current plan may or may not be the best plan for you in 2019. Use this time period to find the lowest cost in 2019.
Keywords: Plan,Medicare,Coverage,Prescription,Help,Part,Enrollment,Period,Advantage,Annual,Open,Costs,Drugs,Pay,Qualify,Switch,Maprx
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 5:11 AM.
Total Views: 1,356

(2017 Medicare Prescription Drug Annual Open Enrollment)
For 2017 see another Library entry for the current guide. Explanation of options available .Keywords: Part D; premium; deductible; formulary; pharmacy; Low-Income Subsidy; LIS; Catastrophic Coverage; Donut Hole; Beneficiary; Medicare Advantage; Federal Poverty Level; Social Security Administration; SSA; State Health Insurance Assistance Program; SHIP;; Men's Health Network; MHN
Keywords: PartD,premium,deductible,formulary,pharmacy,Low,IncomeSubsidy,LIS,CatastrophicCoverage,DonutHole,Beneficiary,MedicareAdvantage,FederalPovertyLevel,Social
Last Viewed: January, 31, 2024 at 4:07 PM.
Total Views: 1,705

(Aging in America - Males per 100 Females: 2000 - 2010)
Men's Health Network MHN flyer. More than one-half the elderly widows now living in poverty were not poor before the death of their husbands. Life expectancy has been increasing at different rates for the genders. Keywords: men; women; aging; premature mortality; widows; depression; loneliness
Keywords: men,women,aging,premature,mortality,widows,depression,loneliness
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 6:16 PM.
Total Views: 9,011

GAO-03-958. USPS guidelines. Keywords: Preventive Services Taskforce; cancer; prostate; prostate specific antigen; digital rectal exam; cervical; colorectal; osteoporosis; breast; mammography; fecal-occult blood test; glaucoma; depression; smoking; copay
Keywords: Preventive Services Taskforce, cancer, prostate, prostate specific antigen, digital rectal exam, cervical, colorectal, osteoporosis, breast, mammography, fecal-occult blood test,
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 11:41 PM.
Total Views: 1,812

health; aging; older; elderly; men; women; neglect; veterans; nutrition; drugs; long-term care; medical; HIV AIDS; Indian; cancer; heart; Lupus; Hispanic; black; deaf; alcohol; patient; dental; nurse; doctor; osteoporosis. NIH No. 01-738
Keywords: health, aging, older, elderly, men, women, neglect, veterans, nutrition, drugs, long-term care, medical, HIV AIDS, Indian, cancer, heart, Lupus, Hispanic, black, deaf, alcohol,
Last Viewed: February, 4, 2024 at 4:23 PM.
Total Views: 1,996

"Three physiological measures associated with long-term caloric restriction in monkeys have been linked to longevity in men." Keywords: Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging; insulin; temperature; DHEAS; steroid hormone; gerontologists
Keywords: Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, insulin, temperature, DHEAS, steroid hormone, gerontologists
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 6:32 PM.
Total Views: 2,123

...Especially for Older Women. Press Release. "Most issues will affect elderly women who greatly outnumber elderly men in most nations- Women who reach older age can expect to live more disability-free years than their male counterparts."; aging
Last Viewed: February, 4, 2024 at 3:54 PM.
Total Views: 1,664

Press Release, 1999. The report focuses on the characteristics of the 37,306 centenarians in the 1990 Census of Population and Housing for the United States.
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 7:27 PM.
Total Views: 1,772

(65+ in the United States: Current Population Reports -1996)
CPR 1996. "In the U.S., '3 elderly women to every 2 elderly men in 1994, & 5 oldest old women to every 2 oldest old men'. Elderly White men are more likely to commit suicide (44 per 100,000) than to die in a motor vehicle accident (31 per 100,000)."; aging
Keywords: men,women
Last Viewed: February, 1, 2024 at 6:59 PM.
Total Views: 2,060

"'boys outnumber girls in all countries, (but) gender differences in mortality'. Elderly women greatly outnumber elderly men in most nations, and therefore the health and socioeconomic problems of the elderly are the problems of elderly women." Keywords: aging; retirement; males; females
Keywords: aging, retirement, males, females
Last Viewed: January, 28, 2024 at 5:32 PM.
Total Views: 2,274

"The typical image of caregiving and the elderly is one of an older person 'receiving care from a younger person'. However, older women and men are not only the recipients of care; in many cases they are caregivers themselves." Keywords: aging; retirement; males; females
Keywords: aging, retirement, males, females
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 8:34 PM.
Total Views: 1,851

2000 Census analysis by age, sex, and state. "the female population exceeded the male population at older ages, but the reverse was true at younger ages. In 2000, there were 20.6 million women aged 65 and over compared with only 14.4 million men."
Last Viewed: February, 5, 2024 at 9:10 AM.
Total Views: 1,861

Analysis of 2000 Census: Analysis of the male-female ratio by age, state, county, and city. "ratio dropped" in the working age groups, from 105.1 in the 15 to 24 years (group) to 92.2 for the 55 to 64 (group) to 40.7 in the 85 and over group.
Last Viewed: August, 12, 2023 at 5:50 AM.
Total Views: 760

Health, United States, 1999 with Health and Aging Chartbook from the National Center for Health Statistics. May be slow downloading as this is a large document, over 2 meg.
Last Viewed: February, 6, 2024 at 12:05 PM.
Total Views: 2,205
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