¨ Downloaded from the web site of: Men’s Health Network ¨ www.menshealthnetwork.org ¨ men@menshealthnetwork.org ¨

Men’s Health Network
Health Data Summary

April 7, 1994

CONTACT: 202-543-MHN-1 (-6461)
P. O. Box 770
Washington, D.C. 20044-0770

Suicides: Males and Females

The March 28, 1994 issue of the "Monthly Vital Statistics " (Vol. 42, No. 10): For the year 1991, "the latest year for which final mortality data are available ... ."

(The "Monthly Vital Statistics" Report is published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

"For both age groups, the death (suicide) rate for men was almost four times that for women."

Sex Age Total # Sex Age Total #

All races, Male 25-44 9,836 All races, Female 25-44 2,445

All races, Male 45-74 7,962 All races, Female 45-74 2,346

Among all ages: Men were the victims of -- 80% of the suicides (79.6%)

Women were the victims of -- 20% of the suicides (20.4%)

"Final 3-year total number of deaths ... 1988-90."

Sex Age Total # Sex Age Total #

All races, Male all ages 72,904 All races, Female all ages 18,641

(MHN: Health Data Summary: SUICIDE WATCH : April 7, 1994)


¨ Downloaded from the web site of: Men’s Health Network ¨ www.menshealthnetwork.org ¨ men@menshealthnetwork.org ¨